Center for Interdisciplinary Research
on Ecology and Sustainability

教授 陳毓昀 博士
974301 花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路2段1號,國立東華大學,環境學院,生態及永續科學跨領域研究中心,B248室
Exploring diversity and the evolution of forest phenology
Akiko Satake, Yu-Yun Chen; Christine Fletcher; Yoshiko Kosugi (2019, Jan). Drought and cool temperature cue general flowering synergistically in the aseasonal tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Ecological Research. 34: 40-49.
Yu-Yun Chen, Akiko Satake, I-Fang Sun, Yoshiko Kosugi, Makoto Tani, Shinya Numata, Stephen P. Hubbell, Christine Fletcher, Md. Noor Nur Supardi, S. Joseph Wright (2018, Mar). Species-specific flowering cues among general flowering Shorea species at the Pasoh Research Forest, Malaysia. Journal of Ecology. 106: 586-598.
Jacob Usinowicz, Chia-Hao Chang-Yang, Yu-Yun Chen, James S. Clark, Christine Fletcher, Nancy C. Garwood, Zhanqing Hao, Jill Johnstone, Yiching Lin, Margaret R. Metz, Takashi Masaki, Tohru Nakashizuka, I-Fang Sun, Renato Valencia, Yunyun Wang, Jess K. Zimmerman, Anthony R. Ives, S. Joseph Wright (2017, Oct). Temporal coexistence mechanisms contribute to the latitudinal gradient in forest diversity. Nature.
Tetsuro Hosaka, Takakazu Yumoto, Yu-Yun Chen, I-Fang Sun, S. Joseph Wright, Shinya Numata, and Noor Md Nur Supardi (2016, Nov). Responses of predispersal seed predators to sequential flowering of Dipterocarps in Malaysia. Biotropica. 49:177-185.
S. Joseph Wright, I-Fang Sun, Maria Pickering, Christine D. Fletcher, Yu-Yun Chen (2015, Oct). Long-term changes in liana loads and tree dynamics in a Malaysian forest. Ecology, 96(10): 2748-2757.